Our Services
At Thursmay Educational Services we pride ourselves as publishers, teacher trainers, and educational solution providers. Our Publishing department publishes curriculum and non – curriculum-based textbooks and other instructional materials both from solicited and unsolicited Authors for all ages.
Our Publishing interest also encompasses vanity or one-off Publication as well as provision of Statutory School records like Continuous Assessment Booklet, Diary, Register etc. for both Government and Private Educational Institutions at all levels. The training arm of Thursmay Educational Services focuses on human capacity development in all tiers of education. We do this by providing up to date in-house short courses, workshops and seminars for educational practitioners at all level through a tailored programme that best suit the identified needs of each Institution.
Our mode of content delivery is all encompassing; these include traditional, modern and electronic means of pedagogy. Few of the training we are privileged to have handled in recent past includes , Class Management techniques , Early Childhood Education and interpretation of the new UBE curriculum, the effects of mother tongue in English Language, etc.
The Popular saying that edified the world as a global village and our quest for excellence has made Thursmay Educational Services to Venture in complete solution to Education by partnering with some offshore ICT firm to provide digital solution to education through the conversion of traditional text books to e-Books, provision of Interactive White Board and Portal based learning via Intranet, internet and telecommunication portals.